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The dark mirror of Utopia is Dystopia.
It is the year 2157. The Pavlov Program - A breakthrough in psychological conditioning has eliminated humanity’s worst impulses, leading to the emergence of a perfect society. The conditioning has dulled the senses of humanity - Art, philosophy, and music serve no purpose, as there are no existential questions, nor impulse to enjoy it. “Nova”, a young corporation worker, as her conditioning begins to unravel, revealing glimpses into the spectrum of the human experience. Enticed by these glimpses into her inner humanity, Nova is faced with a dangerous dilemma: receive treatment and remain conditioned, or venture into the unknown depths of the human psyche?
“Metanoia” is a cautionary tale, that on our way to the “posthuman” condition, we should aim to avoid authoritarian ideologies, pseudoscience, conspiracy and disinformation offering false truths and grand visions of perfection. Instead, reflection on our own shortcomings, which remind us that we live in a world of our own making, should also indicate that we have the power to change the world for the better.
Behind the Scenes

Actress: Bailey Hubbs

Actress: Bailey Hubbs

Actress: Bailey Hubbs
by Giovanna Wolney de Souza & Aaron Ryan